April 10, 2024
7:00pm @ St Greg’s Church
Attendees: Vinny Gebhart, Sarah & Dan Dempsey, Stephanie Harrington, Bennet Freeman, Jennifer Flynn & Cassondra Cavanagh
Meeting Notes:
Treasurer Report
Current Account Balance: $433.58
RIIB Litter Grant $750.00
- Elected officer Cassondra Cavanagh as secretary.
- Motion by V Gebhart, Second by Sara Dempsey – Unanimous approval
- Earth Day Clean up April 20th.
- Areas of concern Paddock Estates & Love Lane (corner of Cowesett)
- Extra grant money to be utilized for loam & plants to spruce up island on Cowesett Road
- Annual Block Party 9/14 4:00pm-10:00pm
- Rain date Sunday 9/15
- Discussed hosting at St Greg’s – group decided in “the neighborhood” was best
- Location requested to be in Red Chimney Drive
cul-de-sac and requesting permission from neighbors.
- Eliminate DJ and bring own music.
- Research food trucks and obtain menu from Timothy Aldrich on N. Cobble Hill Road for Dee’s Deli
- Book Kay’s Ice cream
- Neighborhood Yard Sale 6/2 9:00am
- Purchase signs Neighborhood Yard Sale Sunday
- Possible list of addresses participating
- Cowesett Heights Neighborhood Association
- Clean up Facebook account.
- Support your neighborhood signs with QR code to website.
- Request Gina Simo work on increasing membership.
- Gift or donation to 76 Foundation on behalf of the Association for Craig Garrett
Next meeting scheduled for 6/12 @ 7:00pm St. Greggs Church